Chapter 2. The Unexpected Party
“That’s crazy, sounds like quite the adventure,” Bacon smiled.
Deep in conversation the two friends almost didn’t notice that they had reached their destination. There they stood on the exterior of the building on which sat the Loft, a long since abandoned library which the friends had now adopted as their home. Bacon looked up at the Loft then back to Toad.
“Well, we’re here! Home sweet home! I’ve got to get back to my wife and kid, good to see you again man.”
Bacon embraced Toad again, then put his hand on his shoulder and smiled. Toad was sad to say goodbye to his friend, even if it was just momentary, but he smiled back as well, “Yeah you too.”
Bacon began to walk away then stopped and turned around. “Actually you should hold onto this, I remember you having a file on here, right.” He reached into his pocket then handed Toad the Game Boi Advance.
And just like that, he was gone. Toad looked up in trepidation, at the front door then back to where Bacon once stood. Suddenly the door burst open, there stood Ice, right in the door way in front of him. Before Toad knew it Ice gave him a warm embrace.
“Hey bro, welcome home! It’s great to see you.” Ice put his arm around Toad leading him to the door. “Come on man we got to get you upstairs to show you what we’ve done to the place. You’ll hardly recognize it.”
The two reached the top of the stairs dead-ended by a door.
“Well here we are, those stairs are quite the work-out huh?” Ice opened the door, everything inside was dark.
“Wow yeah, hardly recognize it. I can hardly see it.” Toad chuckled warmly.
Ice reached over to the wall and flipped the light switch on.
The scene filled with light revealing the friends all standing there. They all shouted surprise. Ice stood there dumbfounded, as he could hardly recognize the place he had just left. The blankets previously strewn about the room were now folded nicely in the corner basket, the counter was decorated with various bowls of punch and the dining table, which till this moment he forgot they had, was decked out in a delicious variety of foods.
Toad was surprised and elated as well. They all embraced in a hug.
Then there was a knock at the door. Mini went to open it and there stood Toad’s old friend Joker. He was much more muscular now with a deck of cards in hand. Joker had dark hair with a similar complexion to Mini.
“You didn’t start the party without me did you?” Joker smirked.
Toad embraced Joker as they all laughed together.
“Well what are we all standing around for? Let’s eat!” Meph exclaimed.
After the hearty sustenance the friends headed out onto the rooftop of the Loft. The afternoon was drawing to a close. All the friends sat gazing out at the skyline, bellies full and hearts warm. Toad looked around at his friends with gratitude in his eyes.
Ice looked to his brother Toad, “So what are your plans man?
Toad looked back, then stared off into the distance. “I don’t know, I guess just take life as it comes.” Toad chuckled, “I can’t believe all of you are living here together, must be such a crazy fun time.”
Toast chimed in, “Don’t worry man we won’t take it easy on you, you’ll be getting the crazy full force!” All the friends laughed in agreement.
Toad looked around realizing that one of the friends had disappeared, “Wait where’s Meph?”
But it was too late Meph was standing above them further up the roof. As he shouted below,
“It’s over Anakin, I have the high ground.”
Meph rained down a barrage of cinnamon buns upon the friends.
Suddenly the power across the city went out.
“What’s going on?” Fox shouted.
The friends all looked up just as bright neon light shot across the sky. It fell down toward their building illuminating the dark surroundings.
The city then returned to normal as power returned to the buildings around them.
Tacos was the first to respond, “Whoa, that was weird!”
Meph smiled down at his friends below, “Guess it’s just the city welcoming you home.”
Toast looked up in sudden fear, oh dang my PC, I left it running. He jumped to his feet and headed into the house. The others followed suit.
The Loft was dark except for glows of light coming from various places in the room. Each object was glowing at a different frequency.
On the main floor the guitar, keytar, and joy cons were all glowing with an eerie pulsating light.
Later Toast returned from upstairs, “All good guys, my PC is fine. The Virtuo Boi is a bit weird though.”
He held up the headset which was now also glowing. The friends looked around dumbfounded.
“And check this out”, Toast reached into his pocket and pulled out his D20, it was now also pulsating with that self same glow of light.
Toad instinctively reached into his pocket and pulled out Bacon’s GBA now glowing.
“This is quite irregular, guess all the tech got effected some how.” Tacos regarded.
“I’m not too sure Tacos, check it out!” Cheese responded.
They all looked over where Cheese and Grape were standing with a Costco sized pack of Kool-Aid Jammers now glowing as well.
“Yeah not just tech man.” Joker held up his deck of cards, glowing mysteriously. “Pretty cool effect though.” Joker smiled.
Meph returned from around the corner with his prized Nintendo Power Glove, that his dad had given him in his hands, also glowing.
The friends each intrigued by the glowing picked up the objects one by one examining them.
“Wow things sure have changed, what is this guys? Some type of new tech?” Toad questioned.
The friends looked around silently in confusion.
Toast was now the first to respond, “Nah man, we ain’t sure what the cuss this is.”
Just then the lights flickered and a dark entity appeared before them. It approached slowly, closer and closer.
Ice was now visibly concerned. “Um guys, what’s going on, what are we supposed to do.”
The friends each stood back against the wall holding the glowing objects.
“Well these are glowing, guess they must do something cool.” Toad chuckled.
Meph stood at the head of them as he placed the power glove on his bandaged hand. “Yep, let’s put this to the test.” He pumps his fist in preparation.
The friends looked around at each other and nodded in agreement. Meph led the charge.